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Luis Fernando de Mingo López






Coordinador de Área




+34 91 3367520


  • Titulación

  • Doctor en Informática (Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial) por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

  • Áreas de Investigación

  • Redes de Neuronas Artificiales, Arquitecturas de Redes Neuronales, Computación con ADN, Algoritmos genéticos.

  • Proyectos

  • Como Investigador Principal
  • Computacion Natural con Redes de Neuronas y Redes de Procesadores Evolutivos. TIC2003-09319-c03-03. Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia. 22080 Euros. (2003-2006).
  • Development of fast methods for construction of correct algorithms of minimal complexity (optimal correct algorithms) in contex of algebraic approach for pattern recognition. INTAS YSF 03-55-1969. Field 2. Union Europea. 13500 Euros. (2004-2005).
    Como Investigador
  • DEDICON, Desarrollo para Dispositivos de Computacion Natural: hardware, software de diseño automático y aplicaciones. CCG08-UAM numero TIC-4425. Investigador principal: Alfonso Ortega de la Puente. Financiacion: UAM/CAM (19.000 Euros). (2009).
  • Red Temaica en Computacion Biomolecular y Biocelular. TIN2008-04487-E/TIN. Investigador principal: Mario de Jesus Perez Jimenez. Financiacion: MCI (33.600 Euros). (1/12/2008 { 30/11/2011).
  • Elaboration and Innovation of Data Mining, Pattern Recognition and Forecasting Program System. INTAS Innovation Grant 03-56-182. Union Europea. Investigador Principal: Juan Castellanos. 25000 Euros. (2004-2005).
  • Concurrent Heuristics in Data Analisys and Forecasting. INTAS Programm No. 1996-0952. Unión Europea. Investigador Principal: Grigorius Tsagas. 60000 Euros. (1997-2000).
  • FLEX: Flexible Knowledge-based Information Access and Navigation using Multimodal Input/Output. ESPRIT IV Project No. P29158. Investigador Principal: Jesus Carde~nosa. 520000 Euros. (1997- 2000).
  • Data Mining Algorithm Incubator. INTAS Programm No. 2000-0626. Union Europea. Investigador Principal: Juan Castellanos. 90000 Euros. (2000-2003).
  • Molecular Computing Network. IST-2001-32008. Union Europea. Investigador Principal: Giancarlo Mauri. 60000 Euros. (2002-2005).
  • Portal del Ciudadano. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. P02-6125-550. Ministerio de las Administraciones Públicas. Investigador Principal: Jesus Rivero. 30000 Euros. 2002.
  • Portal del Ciudadano. Admnistración de Contenidos y Funcionalidad. Universidad Polit ecnica de Madrid. P03-6125-324. Ministerio de las Administraciones Publicas. Investigador Principal: Jesus Rivero. 330000 Euros. 2003.

    Como Colaborador
  • Aplicaciones de las Redes de Neuronas al reconocimiento de patrones en la fsica de las altas energías. CICYT. Investigador Principal: Juan Ríos. 1991-1994.
  • SIRECA. Sistema de reconocimiento de caras. Comercio Exterior Auxiliar S.A. (COMEXA). Investigador Principal: Juan Ríos. 1992.
  • Evaluacion de los algoritmos geneticos en las redes de neuronas aplicadas al reconocimiento del habla. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Investigador Principal: Juan Castellanos. 1991.

  • Publicaciones

  • Libros o capítulos de libros
  • Miguel Angel Peña, Gines Bravo, Luis Fernano de Mingo, Membrame dissolution in distributed architectures of P-Systems. 10th WSEAS Int. Conf. on APPLIED COMPUTER and APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE (ACACOS '11). 8-10 March, Venice, Italy. ISSN: 1792-8559, ISBN: 978-960-474-281-3. Pp. 229-
    234. (2011)
  • Luis Fernando de Mingo, Nuria Gómez Blas, Juan Castellanos: Particle Swarm Optimization with a mask operator: high dimension space search. IV International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2010), CEDI 2010, Valencia, SPAIN, September 7-10, ISBN 978-84- 92812-61-5. Pp.: 301-305. (2010).
  • Nuria Gómez Blas, Luis F. de Mingo: Benchmark of PSO-DE using BBOB 2010. New Trends in Information Technologies (18). Varna, Bulgary. Eds.: ITHEA, So a. ISBN: 978-954-16-0044-9. Pp.: 9-14. (2010)
  • Nuria Gómez Blas, Luis Fernando de Mingo, Juan Castellanos Peñuela, Bio-Inspired Optimization Strategies: A Survey. 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT 2009). Yerevan, Armenia. ISBN: 978-5-8080-0797-0. Pp.: 192-195. (2009)
  • Nuria Gómez, Luis F. Mingo, Juan Garitagoitia, Victor Martínez, Jose A. Calvo Manzano, Grammatical Swarm and Particle Swarm Optimization models applied to Neural Network learning and topology definition. 8th WSEAS International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-machine Systems and Cybernetics. ISSN: 1790-5117. ISBN: 978-960-474-144-1. Pp.: 180-185. (2009)
  • Jesús Bobadilla, Francisco Serradilla, Luis F. Mingo, Reducing Recommender Systems Data Base Sizes and Improving their Accuracy. International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2009. ISBN: 1- 60132-110-4. Pp.: 196{202. (2009)
  • Nuria Gómez Blas, Luis F. de Mingo, Eugenio Santos, Massive Parallel Networks of Evolutionary Processors as NP-Problem Solvers. 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008). 12 - 16, June 2008, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 978-989-8111-37-1. Pp.: 588{592. (2008)
  • Víctor Martínez, Abraham Gutierrez, and Luis Fernando de Mingo, Circuit FPGA for Active Rules Selection in a Transition P System Region. 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Paci c Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP08). ISBN: . Pp.: . (2008).
  • Luis Fernando de Mingo, Nuria Gómez Blas, and Miguel Angel Díaz , A String Measure with
    Symbols Generation: String Self-Organizing Maps.
    15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP08). ISBN: . Pp.: . (2008).
  • Luis F. Mingo, Castellanos J., Arroyo F.: Natural Computation with Connectionist Systems. IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Intelligent Systems. ICEIS 2006. April 22-23. Islamabad, Pakistan. ISBN: 1-4244-0457-06/06. Pp.: 312-317. (2006)
  • Maria C. Sánchez, Gomez N., Mingo L.F.: DNA Simulation of Genetic Algorithms: Fitness Function. International Conference Information Research, Applications and Education. I.Tech 2006. 20-35 June. Varna, Bulgaria. ISBN: 954-16-0036-0. Pp.: 67-73. (2006)
  • Luis F. Mingo, Castellanos J., Arroyo F.: Hierarchical Knowledge Representation to Approximate Functions. IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics. ICCI 2006. July 17-19. Beijing, China. ISBN: 1-4244-0475-4. Pp.: 261-267. (2006)
  • Levon Aslanyan, Luis de Mingo, Juan Castellanos, Vladimir Ryazanov, F. Chelnokov, Alexander Dokukin: On Logical Correction of Neural Network Algorithms for Pattern Recognition. International Conference Information Research, Applications and Education. I.Tech 2006. 20-35 June. Varna, Bulgaria. ISBN: 954-16- 0036-0. Pp.: 59-60. (2006)
  • L.A. Aslanyan, L.F. Mingo, J.B. Castellanos, V.V. Ryazanov, F.B. Chelnokov, A.A. Dokukin: On Logical Correction of Pattern Recognition Algorithms. 6th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACS'06). Tenerife, Spain. 16-18 December. ISBN: 960-8457-57-2. Pp.: 35-37. (2006)
  • Juan Castellanos, Luis Fernando de Mingo Lopez, and Victor Mitrana: Solving SAT by Accepting Networks of Splicing Processors with Filtered Connections. 15th International Conference on Computing. November 21 - 24, 2006. Mexico City, Mexico. IEEE CS Press. ISBN: 0-7695-2708-6. Pp.: 260-265. (2006)
  • Luis Fernando de Mingo Lopez, Francisco Gisbert: Symbolic and Numeric Connectionist Models Solving NP-Problems. International Conference Information Research, Applications and Education. I.Tech 2005. 24- 30 June. Varna, Bulgaria. ISBN: 954-16-0034-4. Pp.: 66-70. (2005)
  • Mingo L.F., Castellanos J., Arroyo F.: Time Series Analysis with Axo-axonic Connections in Neural Networks. Human Computer Interaction. ICIT 2005. 2nd International Conference on Information Technologies. May 3-5. Amman, Jordan. ISBN: 9957-8583-0-0. Pp.: 246-254. (2005)
  • Luis Fernández, Fernando Arroyo, Victor J. Martinez, Luis F. Mingo: A Hardware Circuit for Selecting Active Rules in Transition P Systems. 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scienti c Computing. SYNASC 2005. September 25-29. Timisoara, Romania. ISBN: 0-7695-2453-2. Pp.: 415-418. (2005)
  • Luis Mingo, Levon Aslanyan, Juan Castellanos, Miguel Diaz, and Vladimir Riazanov. Fourier Neural Networks: An Approach with Sinusoidal Activation Functions. International Conference Information Research, Applications and Education. I.Tech 2004. 14-24 June. Varna, Bulgaria. ISBN: 954-16-0031-X. Pp.: 14-15. (2004)
  • Mingo L.F., Ablameyko S., Aslanyan L., Castellanos J., Riazanov V.: Enhanced Neural Networks with Time-Delays in Trade Sector. Digital Information Processing and Control in Extreme Situations. DIPCES 2002. Minsk, Belarus. 28-30 May. ISBN: 985-6453-80-1. Pp.:202-208. (2002)
  • Mingo L.F., Díaz M.A., Palencia V., Santos E., Jimenez P.: IBEX-35 Stock Market Forecasting Using Time Delay Connections in Enhanced Neural Networks. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. SCI 2002. July 14-18, Orlando USA. ISBN: 980-07-81-50. Pp.: 455-460. (2002)
  • San Feliú T., Calvo Manzano J.A., Carrilo J.D., Mingo L.F.: Analysis of the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) Repository using Neural Nets. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. SCI 2002. July 14-18, Orlando USA. ISBN: 980-07-81-50. Pp.: 461-466. (2002)
  • Rodrigo J., Castellanos J., Arroyo F., Mingo L.F.: Is Evolutionary Computation using DNA Strands Feasible?. Where Mathematics, Computier Science, Linguistics and Biology Meet. Kluwer- Dordrecht. (Eds.: C. Martin Vide & V. Mitrana). ISBN: 0-7923-6693-X. Pp.: 423-434. (2001)
  • Mingo L.F., Aslanyan L., Castellanos J., Riazanov V., Daz M.A.: Context Neural Network for Temporal Correlation and Prediction. Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Springer Computer Science. ISBN: 3-211-83651-9. Pp.: 110-113. (2001)
  • Hernández C., Martínez A., Mingo L.F., Castellanos J.: Controlling Lorenz Chaos with Neural Networks. Advances in Scientific Computing, Computational Inteligence and Applications. Published by WSES Press. ISBN: 96-8052-36-X. Pp.: 302-309. (2001)
  • Ryazanov V.V., Sen-ko O.V., Aslanyan L.H., Saakyan H., Mingo L.F., Castellanos J.: About some hybrid classi cation models that are based on neural networks and logical approach. The 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies. (PRIA-5-2000). 16-22 October. Samara, Russia. ISBN: 5-7883-0125-4. (2000)
  • Arroyo F., Luengo C., Mingo L.F., Castellanos J.: Evolving Connectionist and Symbolic Processes in a Hierarchical Memory Model. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. SCIA 1999. Orlando, USA. July 31-August 4. ISBN: 980-07-5919-0. Pp.: 255-261. (1999)
  • Hernández C., Martínez A., Castellanos J., Mingo L.F.: Controlling Chaotic Non-linear Dynamical Systems. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. ICECS 1999. Pafos, Cyprus. September 5-8. ISBN: 0-7803-5682-9. Pp.: 1231-1234. (1999)
  • Mingo L.F., Arroyo F., Luengo C., Castellanos J.: Learning HyperSurfaces with Neural Networks. The 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis. Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. June 7-11. ISBN: 87-88306- 42-9. Pp.: 731-737. (1999)
  • Mingo L.F., Castellanos J., Martnez A., Vilarrasa A.: A Novel Self Organizing Map Measure Applied to the Breast Cancer Diagnostic. III Taller Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones. TIARP 98. Mexico D.F. March 23-27. ISBN: 970-18-1081-3. Pp.: 411-420. (1998)
  • Mingo L.F., Castellanos J., Gimenez V.: A New Kind of Neural Networks and its Learning Algorithm. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge based systems. IPMU 98. Paris, France. July 6-10. ISBN: 2-845254-013-1. Pp.: 1913-1914. (1998)
  • Mingo L.F., Castellanos J., Gimenez V., Vilarrasa A.: Hierarchical Neural Network System To Breast Cancer Diagnosis. Ninth European Signal Processing Conference. EUSIPCO 98. Rhodes, Greece. September 8-11. ISBN: 960-7620-09-7. Pp.: 2457-2460. (1998)
  • Rodriguez R.J., Mingo L.F., Castellanos J.: A new algorithm to compute centers in RBF Neural Netowrks. 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. EUFIT 98. Aachen, Germany, September 7-11. ISBN: 3-89653-500-5. Pp.: 292-296. (1998)
  • Arroyo F., Castellanos J., Luengo C., Mingo L.F.: Connectionist System for a Hierarchical knowledge Representation. 1998 International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain Proceedings. ICNN&B 1998. Beijing, China. October 27-30. ISBN: 7-5053-5066-8/TN 1216. Pp.: 471-474. (1998)
  • Arroyo F., Castellanos J., Luengo C., Mingo L.F.: Frames Neural Networks for Cognitive Process. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. SCI 1997. Caracas, Venezuela. July 7-11. ISBN: 980-07-4150-X. Pp. 288-295. (1997)
  • Castellanos J., Giménez V., Mingo L.F., Ríos J.: Adaptive Time Delay Neural Networks with Adaptive Gain. 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. EUFIT 1997. Aachen, Germany, September 8-12. ISBN: 3-89653-200-6. Pp.: 505-509. (1997)
  • Castellanos J., García M., Gimenez V., Mingo L.F.: Visual Patterns Recognition with Neural Networks. The twelfth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences. ISCIS XII. Goynuk- Kermer, Antalya, Turkey. October 27-29. ISBN: 975-518-108-3. Pp.: 364-370. (1997)
  • Carpintero A., Castellanos J., Leiva S., Mingo L.F., Ríos J.: Short-Term Load Demand with a Mixed Neural Network Systems. International Conference on Intelligence and Cognitive Systems, ICICS 1996. Tehran - Iran. 23-26 September. ISBN: 964-90010-3-4. Pp.: 60-63. (1996)
  • Bautista J., Castellanos J., Mingo L. F., Ríos J., Rodríguez-Patón A.: Image Recognition By Integration Of Separate Feature Analisys. Knowledge Based Computer System: Research and Applications. ISBN 81-7319-149-2. ISBN 81-7319-149-2. Pp.: 407-418. (1996)

  • Arteta A., Gómez N., de Mingo L. F., Solving complex problems with a bioinspired model. Engineering Applications of Arti cial Intelligence. (2011). (Pendiente de publicación EAAI-10-300R2).
  • Nuria Gómez, Luis F. Mingo, Jesus Bobadilla, Francisco Serradilla, Jose A. Calvo, Particle Swarm Optimization models applied to Neural Networks using the R language. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. Issue 2. Vol 9. ISSN: 1109-2777. Pp.: 192-202. (2010).
  • Luis Fernando de Mingo, Nuria Gómez, Juan Castellanos, Extended Networks of Evolutionary Processors { ENEPs. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 12 (2), ISSN: 1453-8245. Pp.: 235{247. (2009).
  • M. Angel Diaz, L.F. de Mingo, N. Gómez Blas and J. Castellanos: Implementation of Massive Parallel Networks of Evolutionary Processors (MPNEP): 3-Colorability Problem. International Workshop on Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization. Acireale, Sicily (Italy), November 8-10, 2007 Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer. ISSN: 1860-949X. (2008).
  • Victor Mitrana, Juan Castellanos, Florin Manea and Luis Fernando Mingo López: Accepting Networks of Splicing Processors With Filtered Connections. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4664. ISSN: 0302-9743. Pp.: 218-229. (2007).
  • Miguel Angel Díaz, Miguel Angel Peña, Luis F. de Mingo: Simulation of Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Filtered Connections. WSEAS Transactions on Information, Science and Applications. Issue 3, Vol. 4. ISSN: 1709-0832. Pp.: 608-616. (2007).
  • Fernando Arroyo, Juan Castellanos, Carmen Luengo, Luis F. Mingo: A Binary Data Structure for Membrane Processors: Connectivity Arrays. Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2933. ISSN 0302-9743. Pp: 19-30. (2004).
  • de Mingo L.F., Díaz M., Gonzalo R., Lopez G., Gisbert P.: Neural Networks with Genetic Controllers: Trade Sector Forecasting. WSEAS Transaction on Computers. Issue 1, Vol. 2. ISSN 1109-2750. Pp: 274-277. (2003).
  • de Mingo L.F., Díaz M., Gonzalo R., Aslanyan L., Santos E.: Data Flows Algorithms with Neural Networks. WSEAS Transaction on Circuits and Systems. Issue 3, Vol. 2. ISSN 1109-2734. Pp: 619-624. (2003).
  • Arroyo F., Luengo C., Baranda A.V., Mingo L.F.: A Software Simulation of Transition P Systems in Haskell. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2597. ISSN 3-540-00611-7. Pp: 19-32. (2002).
  • Ryazanov V.V., Sen-ko O.V., Aslanyan L.H., Saakyan H., Mingo L.F., Castellanos J.: About some hybrid classification models that are based on neural networks and logical approach. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Advances in Mathematical Theory and Applications. No. 1, Vol.11. ISSN: 1054-6618. Pp.: 80-82. (2001).
  • Arroyo F., Baranda A.V., Castellanos J., Luengo C., Mingo L.F.: Structures and Bio-language to Simulate Transitions P systems on Digital computers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2235, Springer- Verlag. ISSN: 0302-9743. Pp.: 1-16. (2001).
  • Mingo L.F., Martínez A., Giménez V., Castellanos J.: Parametric Bivariate Surfaces with Neural Networks. Machine Graphics and Vision Journal. Vol.: 9. No.: 1. ISSN 1230-0535. Pp.: 41-46. (2000).
  • Mingo L.F., Arroyo F., Luengo C., Castellanos J.: Enhanced Neural Networks and Medical Imaging. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1689. Springer Verlag. (Eds.: Franc Solina). ISSN 0302-9743. Pp.: 149- 156. (1999).
  • Martínez A., Castellanos J., Hernández C., Mingo L.F.: Study of Weight Importance in NN working with Colineal Variables in Regression Problems. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1611. Springer Verlag. (Eds.: Ibrahim Imam). ISSN 0302-9743. Pp.: 101-110. (1999).
  • Castellanos J., Leiva S., Mingo L.F., Ríos J.: Long-Term Trajectory and Signal Behaviour Prediction. Neural Network World IDG. Volume 6. Number 2. ISSN 1210-0552. Pp.: 143-154. (1996).

  • Tesis y Proyectos Dirigidos

  • Modelo de Computacion Conexionista Inspirado en las Redes de Procesadores Evolutivos y su Aprendizaje.
    Autor: Miguel Angel Díaz Martínez
    Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial { Facultad de Informática { Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
    13 de julio de 2009
  • Redes de Procesadores Evolutivos: Autoaprendizaje de Filtros en las Conexiones.
    Nuria Gómez Blas
    Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial { Facultad de Informática { Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
    26 de mayo de 2008

  • © 2010 Grupo de Computación Natural.