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Libros/Capítulos de Libros

Artículos Revistas













Libros o Capítulos de Libros


“LOGICA. CALCULO DE PREDICADOS”. Castellanos, J. Escuela de Hacienda Pública. Sección de Informática. 1987.


“ALGEBRAIC FORMALIZATION OF FRAMES”. Castellanos, J.; Cardeñosa, J., Gonzalo, R., Ríos, J.; Proceeding de la VIII Conferencia Internacional de Ciencia de la Computación de la SCCC. Universidad Católica de Chile. Julio.1988.

“AN ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURE FOR THE FORMALIZATION OF RULES”. Castellanos, J., Cardeñosa, J., Gonzalo, R., Rios, J.; Proceeding of Workshop On Knowledgebased Systems And Models of Logical Reasoning Cairo. Diciembre 1988.

“AUTOMATIC FACE RECOGNITION FOR ACCESS CONTROL”. Carpintero, A., Castellanos, J., Rios, J., Segovia, J.; Proccedings de International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN‘93 NAGOYA JAPON. IEEE Catalog Number 93CH353-O.  pp. 1289-1292. Octubre 1993.
IEEE Electronic Library

“SHORT-TEAM WEATHER FORCASTING USING NEURAL NETWORKS”. Barrios D., Castellanos J., Martin M. Rios J.; Artificial Intelligence Technology. Applications and Management. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited New Delhi, ISBN: 0-07-462036-3.  pp. 97-103, 1993.

“SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ON NEURAL NETWORKS FOR METEOROLOGICAL VARIABLE FORECASTING”. Castellanos, J., Pazos A, Rios J., Zafra J.L.; Neural Networks for Signal Processing IV. Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Workshop. New York. ISBN: 0-7803-2026-3. pp. 587-595, 1994.
IEEE Electronic Library

“IMAGE COMPRESSION AND CLASSIFICATION WITH NEURAL NETWORKS”. Castellanos, J., Mingo, L., Rios, J.; Proceedings of VII International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence. Monterrey, México. ISBN: 968-891-005-4. pp. 181-185, 1994.

“HYPERMEDIA METHOD TO TEACH CONCEPTS OF COLOUR THROUGH ART”. Castellanos, J. Delicado, J., Domínguez, C., Rigo, C.; Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 94. San Francisco. California. ISBN: 0-201-60974-6. pp. 321-327, 1994.

“WEATHER FORECASTING WITH ADAPTATIVE TIME-DELAY NEURAL NETWORKS: A CASE STUDY”. Carpintero A., Castellanos J., Leiva S., Rios J;. Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing , ICONIP’94. Seúl, Korea. ISBN: 89950010-2-X 94020. pp. 842-846, 1994.

“INVARIANT RECOGNITION USING TRANSFORMS AND NEURAL NETWORK”. Castellanos, J., Garcia, M.T., Rios, J.; Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Beijing, China. ISBN: 7-5053-3355-0 / TP 1288. pp. 685-689, 1995.

I F“S NEURAL NETWORKS”. Carpintero, A. ; Castellanos, J. ;Mingo, L. F., Rios, J;. Proceedings TAINN ´ 96. Istambul, Turkey.  pp. 299-304, 1996.

“SHORT-TERM LOAD DEMAND WITH A MIXED NEURAL NETWORK SYSTEM”. Carpintero, A., Castellanos J., Mingo L.F., Rios J.; Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent and Cognitive Sistems. ICICS’96. Teheran, Iran. ISBN: 964-90010-3-4. pp. 60-63, 1996.

“IMAGE RECOGNITION BY INTEGRATION OF SEPARATE FEATURE ANALISIS”. Bautista, J., Castellanos, J., Mingo, L.F., Rios, J.; Rodriguez-Paton., Knowledge Based Computer Systems. Research and Applications. Narosa Publishing House. New Delhi, ISBN: 81-7319-149-2.  pp. 407-418, 1996.

“FRAMES NEURAL NETWORKS FOR COGNITIVE PROCESS”. Arroyo F., Luengo C., Castellanos J., Mingo L. F.; Proceedings of World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. SCI´97. Caracas, Venezuela. ISBN: 980-07-4150-X.  pp. 288-295 , 1997.
CiteSeer (97,21%)

“ADAPTATIVE TIME DELAY NEURAL NETWORKS WITH ADAPTATIVE GAIN”. Castellanos, J., Gimenez, V., Mingo, L.F., Rios, J.; Proceedings of 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. EUFIT’ 97. Aachen, (Alemania), ISBN: 3-89653-200-6. pp. 505-509, 1997.

“USING THE STATISTICAL DEVIATION OF THE PROTOTYPES FOR ELIMINATING THE PARASITIC FIXED POINTS IN A RECURSIVE NEURAL NETWORK”. Giménez, V., Perez-Castellanos, M., Castellanos, J. and Rios, J.; Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies. CSIT´97 . pp. 192-195., 1997.

“VISUAL PATTERNS RECOGNITION WITH NEURAL NETWORKS”. Castellanos, J., Garcia, M., Gimenez, V., Mingo, L.F.; Proceedings of the Twelfth International Simposium on Computer and Information Sciences. ISCIS´97. ISBN: 975-518108-3.  pp.364-370. 1997.
CSCR (0,85)

“A NOVEL SELF ORGANIZING MAP MEASURE APPLIED TO THE BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSTIC”. Mingo, L.F., Castellanos, J., Martínez, A., Vilarrasa, A; III Taller Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones. TIARP´98. ISBN: 970-18-1081-3.  pp. 411-420. 1998.

“ALGORITHM FOR SYMBOLIC KNOWLEDGE EXTRACTION FROM NEURAL NETWORKS” Castellanos, J., Manrique, D., Martínez, A., Rios, J.; 4th World Congress on Expert System. ISBN: 1-882345-22-3. pp. 598-603, 1998.
CCSR. CORE (B) Conference Ranking WCES (0.60/0.99) Artificial Inteligence Matchine Learning
Número de Citas: 1


“A NEW ALGORITHM TO COMPUTE CENTRES IN RADIAL BASIS FUNCTION NEURAL NETWORKS”. Rodriguez, F., Mingo, L.F., Castellanos .J.; European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing. Aachen, Germany. ISBN: 3-89653-500-5. pp. 292-296. September. 1998.

“HIERARCHICAL NEURAL NETWORK SYSTEM TO BREASTS CANCER DIAGNOSIS”. Mingo, L.F., Castellanos, J., Jiménez, V., Vilarrasa. A.; Signal Processing IV. Theories and Applications. Vol. IV, Greece. September . ISBN: 960-7620-05-4.  pp. 2457-2460. 1998.

“A NEW KIND OF NEURAL NETWORKS AND ITS LEARNING ALGORITHM”. Mingo, L.F., Castellanos, J., Gimenez, V., Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference in Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems. IPMU’98. ISBN: 2-84254-013-1. pp. 1913-1914. 1998.
CiteSeer (67,15 %)

“CONNECTIONIST SYSTEM FOR A HIERARCHICAL KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION”. Arroyo, F., Castellanos, J., Luengo, C., Mingo, L.F. , International Conference on Neural Networks and Brain. ICNN&B´98. ISBN: 7-5053-5066-8.  pp. 471-474 . 1998.

“CONTROLLING CHAOTIC NONLINEAR DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS”. Hernández C., Martínez A., Castellanos J., Mingo L.F..: The 6th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. ICECS
 IEEE Catalogue Number 99EX357. ISBN: 0-7802-5682-9. Piscataway N.J. USA. pp. 1231-1234. 1999.
MathSCI.  IEEE Electronic Library

“LEARNING HYPERSURFACES WITH NEURAL NETWORKS”. Mingo L.F., Arroyo, F., Luengo, C. and Castellanos, J.; 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA’99. Kanerlussuaq, Greenland. June 7-11. ISBN: 87-88306-42-9.  pp. 731-737 . 1999.

“EVOLVING CONNECTIONIST AND SYMBOLIC PROCESSES IN A HIERARCHICAL MEMORY MODEL”. Arroyo, F., Luengo, C., Mingo, L.F., Castellanos, J.; World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. (Proceedings).Orlando, Florida. ISBN: 980-07-5919-0. Vol. 8. pp.255-261. 1999.
CORE ( C )
CiteSee (97,21%)

“INTERPOLATION OF BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS WITH NEURAL NETWORKS”. Mingo, L.F., Castellanos, J., Jiménez, V., CSIT. Proceedings of the conference, August, 17-22, 1999 Yerevan, Armenia. Computer science and Information Technologies. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems. pp. 247-251. The National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Publishers. 375019, Armenia, Yerevan, 24, Marshal Bagramyan Ave. 1999.

“COMPUTING WITH MEMBRANES: P SYSTEMS WITH WORM-OBJECTS”. Castellanos, J., Paun, G., and Rodriguez-Paton, A.; IEEE Computer Society., Spire 2000. ISBN: 0-7695-0746-8. pp. 65-74. 2000.
ISI Wok. IEEE Electronic Library
DBLP, CiteSeer
Número de Citas: 25

“CONCURRENT HEURISTICS IN DATA ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION”. Aslanyan, L., Castellanos, J., Georgiu, P., Tsagas, G. and Riazanov, V.V.; Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on PATTERN RECOGNITION and IMAGE ANALYSIS: NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (PRIA-5-2000) Samara, The Russian Federation 16-22 October, 2000 Organised by The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) The Russian Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. ISBN: 5-7883-0125-4 pp.190- 193.

“ABOUT SOME HYBRID CLASSIFICATION MODELS THAT ARE BASED ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LOGICAL APPROACH”. Ryazanov, V.V., Sen-ko, O.V., Aslanyan, L.H., Saakyan, H., Mingo, L.F., Castellanos, J.; (Moscow, Russia). The 5th International Conference on PATTERN RECOGNITION and IMAGE ANALYSIS: NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (PRIA-5-2000), Samara, The Russian Federation 16 - 22 October, 2000 Organised by The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) The Russian Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. ISBN: 5-7883-0125-4 pp. 123-127.

“LOAD DEMAND FORECASTING USING A CONTEXT NEURAL NETWORKS”. Mingo, F., Castellanos, J., Gisbert F. and Carrillo J.; International Conference on Intelligent Technologies. InTech 2000. Assuption University. Bangkok, Thailand. December 13-15. pp. 159-164. 2000.

“COMPUTATION OF TRANSITION P SYSTEMS IN SILICO”. Baranda A., Mingo L.F., Arroyo F., Castellanos J. Workshop on Multiset Processing.      WMP 2000.Curtea de Arges, Romania. 21-25 August. Pp.: 21-34. 2000.

“IS EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION USING DNA STRANDS FEASIBLE”. Rodrigo, J., Castellanos, J., Arroyo, F., Mingo, L.F. Where Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics and Biology Meet. Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN: 0-7923-6693-X . pp. 423-434. 2001.

“CONTEXT NEURAL NETWORK FOR TEMPORAL CORRELATION AND PREDICTION”. Mingo, L.F., Aslanyan, L., Castellanos, J., Riazanov, V. Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms. Springer Computer Science.
ISBN: 3-211-83651-9. pp. 110-113. 2001.

“A RECURSIVE ALGORITHM FOR DESCRIBING EVOLUTION IN TRANSITION P SYSTEMS”. Arroyo, F. , Castellanos, J. Luengo, C., Mingo, L.F.; Pre-Proccedings of Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC-C de A2001) Rumania. pp 19-30 . 2001 .

“CONTROLLING LORENZ CHAOS WITH NEURAL NETWORKS”. Hernandez, C., Martinez, A., Mingo, L.F., Castellanos, J.; Advances in Scientific Computing, Computational Intelligence and Applications. WSES Press. ISBN: 96-8052-36-X. pp. 302-309. 2001.

“SOME REMARKS ON HAIRPIN AND LOOP LANGUAGES”. Castellanos, J., Mitrana,V.; Words,Semigroups, Transductions. World Scientific Publishing Co. ISBN:  9810247397. pp. :47- 58. 2001 .

“ENHANCED NEURAL NETWORKS WITH TIME-DELAYS IN TRADE SECTOR”. Mingo L.F., Ablameyko S., Aslanyan L., Castellanos J., Riazanov V.; Digital Information Processing and Control in Extreme Situations. DIPCES 2002. Minsk, Belaurs. 28-30 May. ISBN: 985-6453-80-1.  Pp.: 202-208. 2002.

“SIMULTANEOUS CONTROL OF CHAOTIC SYSTEMS”. Hernández, C., Martinez, A., Castellanos, J., Luengo, C.; Recent Advances in Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, WSEAS Press. ISBN: 960-8052-64-5. Pp. 200-204. 2002.

“ALGORITHMS FOR DATA FLOWS”. L. Aslanyan, J. Castellanos, F.Ming H.Sahakyan, V. Riazanov; Proceedings of X –th International Conference “Knowledge- Dialogue-Solution” ISBN:954-16-0025-5   Varna Bulgaria.
Pp. , 266:269 .  June 16-20. 2003

“REPRESENTING MULTISETS AND EVOLUTION RULES IN MEMBRANE PROCESSORS”. F. Arroyo, C. Luengo, J. Castellanos, L.F. de Mingo; Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC5), Milano, Italy.  Pp. 126-137.  2004

“TIME SERIES ANALYSIS WITH AXO-AXONIC CONNECTIONS IN NEURAL NETWORKS”. Mingo L.F. ,Castellanos J. Arroyo F. ;Proceedings of The 2nd International Refereed Conference on Information  Technology “HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION”. ICIT.2005 ,Amann, Jordania. ISBN: 9957-8583-0-0 .   Pp. 246-254.  2005.

“NEURAL CONTROL MODEL OF CHAOTIC DYNAMIC SYSTEMS”. Cristina Hernandez de la Sota, Juan Castellanos Peñuela, Rafael  Molina,  Valentin Palencia Alejandro; Proceedings of the Third International Conference Information Research, Applications, and Education. Varna, Bulgaria ISBN: 954-16-0034-4. Pp. 58-65-2005

“SOFTWARE TOOLS/ P SYSTEMS SIMULATORS”. Fernando Arroyo ,Juan Castellanos, Luis Fernandez, Victor J. Martinez, Luis F. Ming . Proceedings of the 6th. Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC6), Vienna, Austria.Pp.147-161. 2005

“NATURAL COMPUTATION WITH CONNECTIONIST SYSTEMS”. Luis F. Mingo, Juan Castellanos, Fernando Arroyo. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Intelligent Systems. Islamabad, Paquistan ISBN: 1-4244-0457-6.   Pp. 312-317 . 2006
ISI Wok.
IEEE Electronic Library

L. Aslanyan, L.F. Mingo, J.B. Castellanos, V.V. Ryazanov, F.B.Chelnokov, A.A. Dokukin Proceedings of the fourth International Conference Information Research, Applications, and Education. Varna, Bulgaria ISBN: -10:954-16-0036-0;ISBN-13:978-954-16-0036-8 .Pp. 59-61 . 2006

“LOGIC BASED PATTERN RECOGNITION- ONTOLOGY CONTENT”. Levon Aslanyan ,   Juan Castellanos.  Proceedings of the fourth International Conference Information Research, Applications, and Education. Varna, Bulgaria ISBN: -10:954-16-0036-0;ISBN-13:978-954-16-0036-8 .Pp. 61-66 . 2006

“RECURSIVE MATRICES FOR AN INFORMATION RETRIVAL PROBLEM”. Adriana Toni,  Juan Castellanos , Jose Joaquin Erviti.  Proceedings of the fourth International Conference Information Research, Applications, and Education. Varna, Bulgaria.ISBN: -10:954-16-0036-0;ISBN-13:978-954-16-0036-8 .Pp. 133-142 . 2006

“NEW ALGORITHMS FOR APPLICATION OF EVOLUTION RULES BASED ON APPLICABILITY BENCHMARKS” .      L.Fernandez ,F.Arroyo , J.Castellanos, J. Tejedor, I. Garcia . Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology. Las Vegas. Nevada. USA. ISBN: 1-60132-002-7 . Pp. 94-100 . 2006

 “MASSIVELY PARALELL ALGORITHM FOR EVOLUTION RULES APPLICATION IN TRANSITION P SYSTEMS ”L. Fernandez ,F.Arroyo, J.A. Tejedor, J.Castellanos. Proceedings of the  Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC7) Leiden, Holanda.  Pp. 337-343 .2006

“HIERARCHICAL KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION  TO APPROXIMATE FUNCTIONS”. Luis F. Mingo,   Castellanos J , Arroyo F,  . Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics . ICCI 2006 , Pekin , China.
ISBN: 1-4244-0475-4  .Pp.  261-267 .2006
ISI Wok.
 IEEE Electronic Library

“SOLVING  SAT  BY ACCEPTING NETWORKS OF SPLICING PROCESSORS WITH FILTERED CONNECTIONS”. Juan Castellanos, Luis Fernando de Mingo López, Victor Mitrana. Proceedings of IEEE 15th Internacional Conference on Computing. CIC 2006,  Mexico City, Mexico. ISBN-13:978-0-7695-2708-6 .  Pp. 260-265. 2006
ISI Wok of Knowledge. 
IEEE Electronic Library
Número de Citas: 2

“AN EFFECTIVE METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING DATA STRUCTURES SOLVING AN ARRAY MAINTENANCE PROBLEM ”. Adriana Toni, Angel Herranz,  Juan Castellanos .Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Information Research, Applications .Volume 1. Varna, Bulgaria. ISSN 1313-1109
Pp. 93-98 . 2007

DEFINING e MATHEACHER TOOLS AND COMPARING THEM e&Blearning  WEB BASED TOOLS”. M. Gloria Sanchez-Torrubia, Carmen Torres-Blanc, Juan Castellanos. Proceedings of 2007 International Conference
On Engineering and Mathematics,(ENMA 2007).Julio ,Bilbao, España .
8 paginas, 2007.

“NETWORKS OF EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSORS WITH A SELF-ORGANIZING LEARNING”. Nuria Gomez Blas, Luis F. Mingo, Juan  Castellanos,., Proceedings of The ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computers Systems and Applications (AICCSA-08).IEEE.Catalog number: CFP08283-CDR - ISBN: 978-1-4244-1968-5Library of Congress: 2007909703
Pp. 917-918 .  2008.
IEEE Electronic Library

A.Goñi and J.Castellanos. Proceedings of the 7th ACS/IEEE International conference on Computer Systems and Applications. ISBN: 978-1-4244-3806-8. IEEE #CFP09283- CDR, 2009, pp 737-742.

“BIO-INSPIRED OPTIMIZATION STRATEGIES: A SURVEY”. Nuria Gomez Blas, Luis Fernando de Mingo, Juan Castellanos Penuela, 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT 2009). Yerevan, Armenia. ISBN: 978-5-8080-0797-0. Pp.: 192-195. (2009).

USING DIRECTED EVOLUTION TECHNIQUES TO SOLVE HARD COMBINATORIAL PROBLEMS” Paula Cordero Moreno, Angel Goñi Moreno and Juan Castellanos Peñuela. Proceedings of the Computer Science & Information Technologies Conference. CSIT 2009. Yerevan, Armenia. October 2009. 225-229.(2009). ISBN No. 978-5-8080-0797-0

"THE CHALLENGE OF ALGORITHMS" V. Mitrana. Agni Publishing House, Bucharest, 1995,160 pages (in Romanian)

"BIOINFORMATICS" V. Mitrana. L&S Infomat Publishing House, Bucharest, 1998,196 pages (in Romanian)

"NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN FORMAL LANGUAGE THEORY INSPIRED FROM BIOLOGY" V. Mitrana. The Publishing House of the University of Bucharest, 2001, 215 pages

"A method to write quality code comment to reuse source code”, Alvarez-González R, Sánchez-Cuadrado S, Goñi-Moreno A, Castellanos J. Proc, of the 4th Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IICAI 2009. 2158-2169. (2009). ISBN: 978-0-9727412-7-9

"Simulation of DNA cutting”,  Fco. José Cisneros, Andrés de la Peña, Paula Cordero, Juan Castellanos. i.TECH2 1313-0455: 9-14. (2009)

"Particle Swarm Optimization with a mask operator: high dimension space search”, Luis Fernando de Mingo, Nuria Gómez Blas, Juan Castellanos. IV International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2010), CEDI 2010, Valencia, SPAIN, September 7-10, ISBN 978-84-92812-61-5. Pp.: 301-305. (2010).

Communication Lateness in Software Membranes”, Miguel Peña, Jorge Tejedor, Juan Castellanos, Ginés Bravo. New Trends in Information Technologies. ISBN: 978-954-16-004-4-9, 2010, Pp: 48-54 (2010)

"Membrame dissolution in distributed architectures of P-Systems", Miguel Angel Peña, Gines Bravo, Luis Fernano de Mingo, 10th WSEAS Int. Conf. on APPLIED COMPUTER and APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE (ACACOS '11). 8-10 March, Venice, Italy. ISSN: 1792-8559, ISBN: 978-960-474-281-3. Pp. 229-
234. (2011)

"Benchmark of PSO-DE using BBOB 2010." Nuria Gómez Blas, Luis F. de Mingo: New Trends in Information Technologies (18). Varna, Bulgary. Eds.: ITHEA, So a. ISBN: 978-954-16-0044-9. Pp.: 9-14. (2010)

"Grammatical Swarm and Particle Swarm Optimization models applied to Neural Network learning and topology definition." Nuria Gómez, Luis F. Mingo, Juan Garitagoitia, Victor Martínez, Jose A. Calvo Manzano, 8th WSEAS International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Man-machine Systems and Cybernetics. ISSN: 1790-5117. ISBN: 978-960-474-144-1. Pp.: 180-185. (2009)

"Reducing Recommender Systems Data Base Sizes and Improving their Accuracy." Jesús Bobadilla, Francisco Serradilla, Luis F. Mingo. International Conference on Internet Computing, ICOMP 2009. ISBN: 1- 60132-110-4. Pp.: 196{202. (2009)

"Massive Parallel Networks of Evolutionary Processors as NP-Problem Solvers." Nuria Gómez Blas, Luis F. de Mingo, Eugenio Santos. 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008). 12 - 16, June 2008, Barcelona, Spain. ISBN: 978-989-8111-37-1. Pp.: 588{592. (2008)

"Circuit FPGA for Active Rules Selection in a Transition P System Region." Víctor Martínez, Abraham Gutiérrez, and Luis Fernando de Mingo. 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Paci c Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP08). ISBN: . Pp.: . (2008).

"A String Measure with Symbols Generation: String Self-Organizing Maps." Luis Fernando de Mingo, Nuria Gómez Blas, and Miguel Angel Díaz. 15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP08). ISBN: . Pp.: . (2008).

"DNA Simulation of Genetic Algorithms: Fitness Function." Maria C. Sánchez, Gómez N., Mingo L.F. International Conference Information Research, Applications and Education. I.Tech 2006. 20-35 June. Varna, Bulgaria. ISBN: 954-16-0036-0. Pp.: 67-73. (2006)

"Symbolic and Numeric Connectionist Models Solving NP-Problems." Luis Fernando de Mingo Lopez, Francisco Gisbert. International Conference Information Research, Applications and Education. I.Tech 2005. 24- 30 June. Varna, Bulgaria. ISBN: 954-16-0034-4. Pp.: 66-70. (2005)

"A Hardware Circuit for Selecting Active Rules in Transition P Systems." Luis Fernández, Fernando Arroyo, Victor J. Martinez, Luis F. Mingo. 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scienti c Computing. SYNASC 2005. September 25-29. Timisoara, Romania. ISBN: 0-7695-2453-2. Pp.: 415-418. (2005)

"IBEX-35 Stock Market Forecasting Using Time Delay Connections in Enhanced Neural Networks." Mingo L.F., Díaz M.A., Palencia V., Santos E., Jiménez P. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. SCI 2002. July 14-18, Orlando USA. ISBN: 980-07-81-50. Pp.: 455-460. (2002)

"Analysis of the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) Repository using Neural Nets." San Feliú T., Calvo Manzano J.A., Carrilo J.D., Mingo L.F.. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. SCI 2002. July 14-18, Orlando USA. ISBN: 980-07-81-50. Pp.: 461-466. (2002)

"Networks of Evolutionary Processors: Results and Perspectives. In Molecular Computational Models: Unconventional Approaches", C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, 2005, 78-114.

"Networks of evolutionary word and picture processors: A survey. In Scientific Applications of Language Methods",F. Manea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. World Scientific, 2010, 523-560.


Artículos en Revistas



“AN ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURED MODEL OF FORMAL KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATIONS. (FRAMES AND RULES)”. Castellanos, J., Gonzalo, R., Pazos, J., Ríos, J.; International Journal Computer Mathematics.
ISSN 0020-7160 Vol. 29. pp.1-9. 1989. JCR Impact Factor: 0.145
Categoria: Computer Science

“THE APPLICATION OF DEEP MODELS IN INDUSTRIAL EXPERT SYSTEMS”. Cardeñosa J., Alonso, F., Castellanos, J., Coscia, J.; Expert Systems with Applications An International Journal. ISSN: 0957-4174. Vol. 2. pp.187-194. 1991.
Impact Factor: 0.182
Categoria: Computer Science

“FAST TRAINING OF FEEDFORWARD MULTILAYER NEURAL NETWORKS BY MEANS OF A WEIGHTED LEAST MEAN SQUARE ALGORITHM”. Castellanos J., Lerma M.A., Rios J., Segovia J.; Neural Network World. IDG. ISSN: 1210-0552. Vol. 2. pp. 423-436. 1992.
MathSCI, CiteSeer

“APPROXIMATION OF FUNCTIONS BY NEURAL NETWORKS: AN EXPERIMENTAL TEST”. Castellanos J., Lerma M.A., Rios J., Segovia J.; International Journal of Neural Networks Research& Applications. ISSN: 0954-9889. Vol. 3, Nº 4,
 pp. 149-153. 1992.

“LONG-TERM TRAJECTORY AND SIGNAL BEHAVIOUR PREDICTION”.Castellanos J., Leiva S., Mingo L.F., Rios J., Neural Network World . IDG. ISSN: 1210-0552. Vol. 6 Number 2 pp. 143-154, 1996.
MathSCI, CiteSeer

“A NEW APPROACH FOR EXTRACTING RULES FROM A TRAINED NEURAL NETWORK” .Castellanos, A.L., Castellanos, J., Manrique, D., Martinez A.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1323 (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer-Verlag. Berlin, ISBN: 3-540-63586-6. ISSN: 0302-9743. pp. 297-302, 1997.
JCR 1997  0.530
Computer Science Theory and Methods: 29/63
Número de Citas: 1
Otros Índices de Calidad:

“PROBABILISTIC NEURAL NETWORKS WITH ROTATED KERNEL FUNCTIONS”. Galleske, I.,; Castellanos, J.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1327 Springer-Verlag. Berlin. ISSN: 0302-9743. pp. 379-384, 1997.
JCR 1997  0.530
Computer Science Theory and Methods: 29/63
Otros Índices de Calidad:
Número de Citas: 4

“MOLECULAR COMPUTATION FOR GENETIC ALGORITHMS” Castellanos J., Leiva, S., Rodrigo, A., Rodriguez-Paton, A.; Lectures Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1424. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing. ISBN: 3-540-64655-8. ISSN: 0302-9743. pp. 91-98. 1998.
JCR 1997  0.530
Computer Science Theory and Methods: 29/63
Otros Índices de Calidad:
Número de Citas: 3

“ENHANCED NEURAL NETWORKS AND MEDICAL IMAGING”. Mingo L.F., Arroyo F., Luengo C., Castellanos J.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1689. Ed: Springer Verlag, Berlin. (Eds.: Franc Solina). ISSN: 0302-9743. 1999. Pp: 149:156
JCR 1999  0.872
Computer Science Theory and Methods: 13/61

Otros Índices de Calidad:
DBLP, MathSCI, CSCR (0.84), CORE(A),  CiteSeer(74,03%)

“A NEW TOOL FOR THE MARKET RESEARCH USING A MODIFIED AUTO-ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY”. Giménez-Martínez, V., Castellanos, J. and Mingo, L.F. Neural Networks For Signal Processing IX. Ed. IEEE Signal Processing Society. ISBN: 07830-5673. ISSN: 1089-3555. New York, USA. pp.507-514.
Pp 149-156  . 1999.
MathSCI.  IEEE Electronic Library

“NEURAL NETWORK CONTROL OF CHAOTICS SYSTEMS”. Hernandez, C., ,Martinez, A., Castellanos, J., Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control &Automation. Concurrent Systems Engineering Series. ISSN: 1383-7575. Vol. 54, pp. 1-8. 1999.
Times Cited: 1 CORE (C)

“STUDY OF WEIGHT IMPORTANCE IN NEURAL NETWORKS WORKING WITH COLINEAL VARIABLES IN REGRESSION PROBLEMS”. Martínez, A., Castellanos, J., Hernández, C. and Mingo, L.F.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1611). Springer Verlag. Berlin. ISBN: 3-540-66076-3. ISSN: 0302-9743. pp.101-110. 1999.
JCR 1999: 0.530
Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence: 29/63
Otros Indices de Calidad:
DBLP, MathSCI, CSCR(0.57), CORE (B), CiteSeer(87,79 %)

“PERIODIC ORBIT STABILIZATION WITH NEURAL NETWORKS”. Hernández C., Martínez A., Mingo L.F., Castellanos J.; Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Vol. 57. New Frontiers in Computational Intelligence and its Applications. IOS Press. ISSN: 0922-6389. pp. 109-118. 2000.

“PARAMETRIC BIVARIATE SURFACES WITH NEURAL NETWORKS”. Mingo, L.F., Martinez, A., Gimenez, V., Castellanos J.; Machine Graphics and Vision. MGV vol. 9, no. 2. ISSN: 1230-0535. pp. 41-46. 2000.
SJR 2005: 0,040
Computer Science, computer graphics and Computer-Aided Design: 58/60
Computer Science, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 27/27
Otros Indices de Calidad: MathSCI

“ON CERTAIN HYBRID CLASSIFICATION MODELS BASED ON NEURAL NETWORK AND LOGICAL APPROACHES”. Ryazanov, V.V., Senko, O.V., Aslanyan, L., Saakyan, Kh., Mingo, L.F. and Castellanos, J.; Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 1. ISSN:: 1054-6618. pp 80-82. 2001.
SJR 2007: 0,038
Computer Science, computer graphics and Computer-Aided Design: 61/64
Computer Science, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 26/30

“DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS AS ATTRACTOR FOR RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORKS”. Gimenez, V., Aslanyan, L., Castellanos, J. and Ryazanov, V.; Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 3. ISSN: 1054-6618. pp. 492-497. 2001.
SJR 2007: 0,038
Computer Science, computer graphics and Computer-Aided Design: 61/64
Computer Science, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 26/30

 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press Ohmsha. ISSN: 0922-6389. ISBN: 1-58603-1929. Vol.: 69. Part II. pp.: 1165-1169. 2001.
“SOLVING NP-COMPLETE PROBLEMS WITH NETWORKS OF EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSORS”. Castellanos, J., Martin-Vide, C., Mitrana, V., Sempere, J.M.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2084. Springer Verlag. ISSN: 0302-9743. ISBN: 3-540-42235-8. pp. 621-628. 2001.
JCR 2001  0.415
Computer Science Theory and Methods: 46/71
Otros Índices de Calidad:
DBLP, CiteSeer
Número de Citas: 28

“DATA STRUCTURES FOR IMPLEMENTING TRANSITION P SYSTEM IN SILICO”. Baranda, A., Castellanos, J., Gonzalo, R., Arroyo, F., Mingo, L.F.; Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology. Vols. 4  Numbers 1-2 . ISSN: 1453-8245. pp. 21-32 . 2001.

 “BIO-LANGUAGE FOR COMPUTING WITH MEMBRANES”. Baranda,A.V., Castellanos, J. , Arroyo, F., Luengo, C.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol . 2159, LNAI, Springer Verlag ISSN: 0302-9743 . ISBN: 3-540-42567-5 . pp. 176-185 . 2001.
JCR 2001  0.415
Computer Science Theory and Methods: 46/71
Otros Índices de Calidad:
Número de Citas: 1

“STRUCTURES AND BIO-LANGUAGE TO SIMULATE TRANSITION P SYSTEMS ON DIGITAL COMPUTERS”. Arroyo, F., Baranda, A.V., Castellanos, J., Luengo, C., Mingo, L.F.;. Multiset Processing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2235. Springer Verlag. ISSN: 0302-9743. Pp.: 1-16. 2001.
JCR 2001 (0.415)
Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 46,71
Número de Citas: 6
  Otros Índices de Calidad:

“NEURAL CONTROL OF SIMULTANEOUS CHAOTIC SYSTEMS”. Hernandez, C., Gonzalo, R., Castellanos, J., Martinez, A.; Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Vol. 82. IOSPRESS. ISSN: 0922-6389. pp. 527-531. 2002.

“MEMBRANE COMPUTING: THE POWER OF (RULE) CREATION”. Arroyo, F., Baranda, A., Castellanos, J.,. Paun, Gh.; Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 8, 3, ISSN: 0948-6968 pp. 369-381. 2002.
SJR 2002 (0,042)
Computer Science 57/119

ISI Wok.  DBLP, CiteSeer
Times Cited: 8

“TOWARDS AN ELECTRONIC IMPLEMENTATION OF MEMBRANE COMPUTING: A FORMAL DESCRIPTION OF NONDETERMINISTIC EVOLUTION IN TRANSITION P SYSTEMS”. Baranda, A. V., Arroyo, F., Castellanos, J., Gonzalo, R.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2340. Springer Verlag. ISSN: 0302-9743. pp. 350-359. 2002.
JCR 2002  0.515
Computer Science Theory and Methods: 56/69
Otros Índices de Calidad:
Número de Citas: 17

OPTIMIZATION OF THE KERNEL FUNCTIONS IN A PROBABILISTIC NEURAL NETWORK ANALYZING THE LOCAL PATTERN DISTRIBUTION”. Galleske, I., Castellanos, J., Neural Computation Vol. 14 Number 5. ISSN: 0899-7667. pp. 1183-1194. 2002.
JCR 2002  2.313
Computer Science Artificial Inteligence: 65/74
Otros Índices de Calidad:

 “A ROTATED KERNEL PROBABILISTIC NEURAL NETWORK (RKPNN) FOR MULTI-CLASS CLASSIFICATION”. Galleske, I., Castellanos, J.; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2686. Computational Methods in Neural Modeling. Springer Verlang. ISSN: 0302-9743. ISBN: 03-540-40210. Vol.: 69. Part II. pp.: 1165-1169. 2003.
JCR 2002  0.513
Computer Science Theory and Methods: 56/69
Otros Índices de Calidad:

“NETWORKS OF EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSORS”. Juan Castellanos.,Carlos Martín-Vide,VictorMitrana,yJoséM.Sempere.; Acta Informatica.  Springer Verlang. ISSN: 0001-5903 Vol.: 39.  pp.: 517-529. 2003.
JCR 2003  0.922
Computer Science Information Systems: 3/78
ISI Wok.  DBLP. CiteSeer
Número de Citas: 37

“ALGORITHMS FOR DATA FLOWS”. Aslanyan, L., Castellanos, J., Mingo L., Sahakyan, H., Ryazanov, V.; International Journal Information Theories and Applications  Vol.10 , ISSN: 1310-0513. pp.: 279-282. 2003.


“FOURIER NEURAL NETWORKS: AN APPROACH WITH SINUSOIDAL ACTIVATION FUNCTIONS”. Luis Mingo, Levon Aslanyan, Juan Castellanos, Miguel Díaz, Vladimir Riazanov. International Journal  Information Theories and Applications.Volume 11. Number 1. ISSN: 1310-0513. pp.: 52-55. 2004.

Número de Citas: 2

“A BINARY DATA STRUCTURE FOR MEMBRANE PROCESSORS: CONNECTIVITY ARRAYS”. Fernando Arroyo, Juan Castellanos, Carmen Luengo, Luis F. Mingo; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2933. ISSN: 0302-9743. Pp.: 19-30. 2004.
JCR  2004  0.513
Computer Science Theory and Methods: 55/70
Número de Citas: 4

“SIMULATING MEMBRANE SYSTEMS IN DIGITAL COMPUTERS”. Fernando Arroyo , Carmen Luengo , Luis Fernandez, Luis F. De Mingo, Juan Castellanos. International Journal  Information Theories and, Applications. Volume 11. Number 1. ISSN: 1310-0513. pp.: 29-35. 2004.
Número de Citas: 3

“TIME SERIES ANALYSIS WITH NEURAL NETWORKS”. Luis F. Mingo, Castellanos J., Lopez G., Arroyo F.
WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics . .
 Issue4, Volume1. ISSN 1109-9526. Pp.: 303-310. 2004.


“ON THE SIZE COMPLEXITY OF HYBRID NETWORKS OF VOLUTIONARY PROCESSORS”. Juan Castellanos, Peter Leupold ,Victor Mitrana.  Theoretical Computer Science .  Vol.330.  Elsevier. ISSN 0304-3975 Pp.205-220 . 2005.
JCR  2005    0.743
Computer Science:
MathSCI,   ISI Wok,   DBLP
Número de Citas: 6

“NEURAL CONTROL OF CHAOS AND APLICATIONS”. Cristina Hernandez, Juan Castellanos, Rafael Gonzalo, Valentin Palencia. International “  Information Theories and Applications” . Volume 12. Number2.  ISSN: 1310-0513.
Pp.:. 103-109  2005.

“ACCEPTING NETWORKS OF SPLICING PROCESSOR WITH FILTERED CONNECTIONS”.Victor Mitrana, Juan Castellanos, Florin Manea and Luis Fernando Mingo Lopez. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4664 . Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 218–229,.  ISSN: 0302-9743 . 2007   
SJR 2007 (0,039)
Computer Science 72/120
Computer Science, Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q3) { 56/108
Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science (Q4) { 60/74
Computer Science, Hardware and Architecture (Q3) { 76/118
CS Conference Ranking: Applications / Software / Theory: (0.81) { 98/735
CORE Computer Science Conference Rankings:
DBLP Bibliography Server
Thomson ISI Web of Science

“ALGORITHMIC MINIMIZATION OF NON-ZERO ENTRIES IN 0 ,1 -MATRICES”. Adriana Toni, Juan Castellanos, Jose Erviti. International “  Information Theories and Applica s” . Volume 14. Number4tion.  ISSN: 1310-0513. ISSN 1313-0463 Pp.:. 315-323 . 2007.

 “LOGIC BASED PATTERN RECOGNITION-ONTOLOGY CONTENT” Levo n Aslanyan, Juan Castellanos . International “  Information Theories an Applications” Volume 14. Number3.  ISSN: 1310-0513. ISSN 1313-0463 Pp.: 206-210 . 2007.

“ON LOGICAL CORRECTION OF NEURAL NETWORK ALGORITHMS FOR PATTERN RECOGNITION ” Levon Aslanyan,  Luis de Mingo , Juan Castellanos, Vladimir Ryazanov, Fedor Chelnokov, Alexander Dokukin . International “  Information Theories and Applications” . Volume 14. Number3.  ISSN: 1310-0513. ISSN 1313-0463 Pp. : 203-205 . 2007.

Luis Fernando de Mingo, Fernando Arroyo, Miguel Angel Diaz, Juan Castellanos International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems. World Scientific Publishing Vol. 12, No. 2, June . ISSN. 0218-7965 Pp. :142-149 . 2007

“NEW INTERACTIVE TOOLS FOR GRAPH ALGORITHMS ACTIVE LEARNING”. M. Gloria Sanchez-Torrubia, Carmen Torres-Blanc, Juan Castellanos. SIGCSE Bulletin ACM. Volume 39 Number 3. Proceedings of  Conference 12th SIGCSE Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education(ITiCSE 07 ) Published ACM ISSN. 0097-8418
Pp.337, 2007


“AN EFFECTIVE METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING DATA STRUCTURES SOLVING AN ARRAY MAINTENANCE PROBLEM ”. Adriana Toni  , Angel Herranz ,  Juan Castellanos .International Journal “Information Technologies and Knowledge”Vol. 2  .ISSN.131355I -04SSN.1313-0501-Pp.: 23-28 , 2008


 “NETWORKS OF EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSORS (NEP) AS DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS ” Nuria Gomez Blas, Miguel Angel Diaz, Juan Castellanos, Francisco Serradilla  . International “  Information Theories and Applications” .  Volume 15. Number 1.  ISSN: 1310-0513. ISSN 1313-0463 Pp. : 31-36 . 2008.

“IMPLEMENTATION OF MASSIVE PARALLEL NETWORKS OF EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSORS (MPNEP): 3-COLORABILITY PROBLEM”  , M. Angel Diaz, L.F. Mingo, N. Gomez Blas,  J. Castellanos. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer-Verlag Berlin olume 129  ISSN: 1860-949X .
 Pp. : 399-408 . 2008.


“A DNA CODIFICATION FOR GENETIC ALGORITHMS SIMULATION”, Angel Goñi, Francisco José Cisneros, Paula Cordero, Juan Castellanos.
Suplement of International Journal “Information Technologies and Knowledge”. International Books Series Number 2. Bulgaria ISSN:1313-0455
Pp. : 69 - 74 .  2008


“DNA ELECTROPHORESIS SIMULATION” Andrés de la Peña, Francisco J. Cisneros, Angel Goñi and Juan Castellanos. International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence DCAI’09. IWANN 2009, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. LNCS, ISSN: 03029743. 5518, pp 585-588. 2009.

“ANALYSIS OF P-SYSTEMS UNDER A MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS PERSPECTIVE” Alberto Arteta, Angel Goñi and Juan Castellanos. Intelligent Processing. International Book Series “Information Science & Computing”, Number 9. Supplement to the International Journal “Information Technologies & Knowledge”. Volume 3/2009. ISSN: 1313-048X. pp117-128 , 2009.

“HIERARCHICAL FUNCTION APPROXIMATION WITH A NEURAL NETWORK MODEL.” Luis F. Mingo, Nuria Gómez Blas, Fernando Arroyo and Juan Castellanos. Int. Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 1(3), ISSN: 1942-9045. Pp.: 67–80. (2009).
DBLP Bibliography Server
Media Finder
Standard Periodicals Directory
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

“EXTENDED NETWORKS OF EVOLUTIONARY PROCESSORS - ENEPs”. Luis Fernando de Mingo, Nuria Gomez, Juan Castellanos. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 12 (2), ISSN: 1453-8245. Pp.: 235–247. (2009).
Computer Science, Theory and Methods: 53/70 { Q3
Category: Science
Eigenfactor Score 0.20 { Overall: 99.20
Article Inuence Score 0.31 { Overall: 38.70
Impact Factor: AIF 0.31
Q3 { Overall: 29.90

“SIMULATION OF DNA CUTTING” Francisco José Cisneros, Andrés de la Peña, Cristina Piqueras,Paula Cordero, Juan Castellanos. Intelligent Processing.  International Book Series “Information Science & Computing”, Number 14. Supplement to the International Journal “Information Technologies & Knowledge”. ISSN: 1313-048X, ISSN 1313-0455 (printed). pp117-128 , 2009.

GATES”. Ángel Goñi-Moreno, Miguel Redondo-Nieto, Fernando Arroyo and Juan
Castellanos. Natural Computing. ISSN: 1572-9796. DOI: 10.1007/s11047-010-9184-2. (2010).

PIGMENTED RAT-BASED VISION FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS” Francisco J. Cisneros de los Rios , Isabel Martín Moreno-Cid , Abel Sanchez- Jimenez , Juan Castellanos, Fivos Panetsos, Information Technologies and Knowledge. ISSN: 1313-0455 (printed) , ISSN: 1313-048X (online) Pp: 51-55. (2010)

“Filter Position in Networks of Substitution Processors Does Not Matter”F. A. Montoro, J. Castellanos, V. Mitrana, E. Santos and J. M. Sempere, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, Special Issue Natural Computing: Theory and Applications, Volume 22, Number 1, January 2011. Print ISSN: 0129-0541 - Online ISSN: 1793-6373. Pp: 156 – 167 (2011)

The Impact Factor for IJFCS in 2009 is 0.512.

"Solving complex problems with a bioinspired model." Arteta A., Gómez N., de Mingo L. F.. Engineering Applications of Arti cial Intelligence. (2011). (Pendiente de publicación EAAI-10-300R2).

"Particle Swarm Optimization models applied to Neural Networks using the R language." Nuria Gómez, Luis F. Mingo, Jesus Bobadilla, Francisco Serradilla, Jose A. Calvo. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. Issue 2. Vol 9. ISSN: 1109-2777. Pp.: 192-202. (2010).

"Simulation of Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Filtered Connections." Miguel Angel Díaz, Miguel Angel Peña, Luis F. de Mingo. WSEAS Transactions on Information, Science and Applications. Issue 3, Vol. 4. ISSN: 1709-0832. Pp.: 608-616. (2007).

"Neural Networks with Genetic Controllers: Trade Sector Forecasting." de Mingo L.F., Díaz M., Gonzalo R., Lopez G., Gisbert P.. WSEAS Transaction on Computers. Issue 1, Vol. 2. ISSN 1109-2750. Pp: 274-277. (2003).

"Data Flows Algorithms with Neural Networks." de Mingo L.F., Díaz M., Gonzalo R., Aslanyan L., Santos E.. WSEAS Transaction on Circuits and Systems. Issue 3, Vol. 2. ISSN 1109-2734. Pp: 619-624. (2003).

"A Software Simulation of Transition P Systems in Haskell." Arroyo F., Luengo C., Baranda A.V., Mingo L.F.. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2597. ISSN 3-540-00611-7. Pp: 19-32. (2002).

"The modular grammars." A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 30 (1989), 17-35.

"Grammar-gsm pairs." V. Mitrana. Annals of the University of Bucharest, Series Mathematics-Informatics, 3 (1990-1991), 64-71.

"Valence grammars on a free generated group." V. Mitrana. Bulletin of the EATCS, 47 (1992), 174-179.

"On languages satisfying the "interchange lemma". V. Mitrana: R.A.I.R.O./ Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 27, 1 (1993), 71-79.

"Some remarks on Paun-Salomaa sequences." V. Mitrana: Bulletin of the EATCS, 49 (1993), 175-178.

"Cooperating/distributed grammar systems with total activation." V. Mitrana: Studii Cercetari Matematice, 45, 1 (1993), 31-37.

"Hybrid cooperating/distributed grammar systems." V. Mitrana: Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 12, 1 (1993), 83-88.

"Szilard languages associated to a cooperating distributed grammar system." J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun. Studii Cercetari Matematice, 45, 5 (1993), 403-413.

"Cooperation in grammar systems: universality, similarity, timing." E. Csuhaj-Varju, J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun. Cybernetica, 36, 4 (1993), 271-286.

"Parallel substitution on words and languages." A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana. Annals of the University Al.I.Cuza, Iasi, Inf., 2 (1993), 37-43.

"Dynamical teams in cooperating distributed grammar systems." A. Mateescu, V. Mitrana, A. Salomaa. Annals of the University of Bucharest, (1993-1994), 3-14.

"Structuring grammar systems by priority and hierarchies." V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg. Acta Cybernetica, 11, 3 (1994), 189-204.

"Similarity in grammar systems." V. Mitrana. Fundamenta Informaticae, 24 (1995), 3, 251-257.

"Distributed catenation versus shuffle." V. Mitrana. Bulletin of the EATCS, 58 (1996), 163-167.

"Pattern systems." V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa. Theoretical Computer Science, 154, 2 (1996), 183-201.

"Splicing grammar systems",J. Dassow, V. Mitrana. Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 15 (1996), 2-3, 109-122.

"On determinism in cooperating distributed grammar systems." J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun, S. Vicolov. Publicationes Mathematicae, 48 (1996), 3-4, 217-231.

""Call by name" and "call by value" strategies in grammar systems." J. Dassow, V. Mitrana. Annals of the University of Bucharest, 1 (1996), 29-40.

"Binary self-adding languages and sequences." L.Ilie, V. Mitrana. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 62 (1996), 171-181.

"Iterated pattern languages." V. Mitrana. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 1 (1996), 4, 305-311.

"Fairness in grammar systems." J. Dassow, V. Mitrana. Acta Cybernetica 12 (1996), 331-345.

"On the interdependence between shuffle and crossing-over operations." V. Mitrana. Acta Informatica, 34 (1997), 257-267.

"Cooperation in context-free grammar", J. Dassow, V. Mitrana. Theoretical Computer Science, 180 (1997) 353-361.

"Some remarks on morphisms and primitivity." V. Mitrana. Bulletin of the EATCS, 62 (1997), 213-216.

"Crossover systems. A generalization of splicing systems." V. Mitrana. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 2 (1997), 3, 151-160.

"Primitive morphisms." V. Mitrana. Information Processing Letters, 64 (1997) 277-281.

"Context-free evolutionary grammars and the structural language of nucleic acids." J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, A. Salomaa. BioSystems, 4 (1997) 169-177.

"On the leftmost derivations in cooperating grammar systems." J. Dassow, V. Mitrana. Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 43, 3-4 (1998), 361-374.

"Parallelism in contextual grammars."V. Mitrana. Fundamenta Informaticae, 33 (1998), 281-294.

"Chomsky-Schutzenberger type characterizations based on contextual languages", V. Mitrana. GRAMMARS, 1 (1988), 167-176.

"On the error-tolerant closure of languages", A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana. Annals of the University of Bucharest, Mathematics-Informatics Series, 47 (1998) 5-14.

"Cooperation in contextual grammars", C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 3 (1998) 231-241.

"Stack cooperation in multi-stack pushdown automata", J. Dassow, V. Mitrana. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 58 (1999), 611-621.

"Some properties of duplication grammars." V. Mitrana, G. Rozenberg. Acta Cybernetica, 14, 1 (1999), 165-177.

"D0L-pattern systems", J. Dassow, V. Mitrana. Publicationes Mathematicae, 54 (1999), 653-666.

"Patterns and languages: An overview",V. Mitrana. GRAMMARS, 2, 2 (1999), 149-173.

"On the regularity of duplication closure", J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun. Bulletin of the EATCS, 69 (1999), 133-137.

"Evolutionary systems: A language generating device inspired by evolving communities of cells", E. Csuhaj-Varju, V. Mitrana. Acta Informatica, 36, 11 (2000), 913-926.

"On the degree of communication in parallel communicating finite automata", V. Mitrana. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 5, 3 (2000), 301-314.

"Finite automata over the free generated groups", J. Dassow, V. Mitrana. International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 10, 6 (2000), 725-738.

"Parallel communicating pushdown automata systems", E. Csuhaj-Varju, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, G. Vaszil. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 11, 4 (2000), 633-650.

"Parallel communicating automata systems. A survey." C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. Invited article in Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. An International Journal, 7 (2), 2000, 237-257.

"Colonies with limited activation of components", J. Kelemen, A. Kelemenova, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. Theoretical Computer Science, 244, 1-2 (2000), 289-298.

"Dynamical teams in eco-grammar systems." E. Csuhaj-Varju, V. Mitrana. Fundamenta Informaticae, 44, 1-2 (2000), 83-94.

"Uniquely parsable CD grammar systems", C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 6, 9 (2000), 850-861.

"Extended finite automata over groups." V. Mitrana, R. Stiebe. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 108, 3 (2001), 247-260.

"Formal properties of PA-Matching", S. Kobayashi, V.Mitrana, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg. Theoretical Computer Science, 262, 1-2 (2001), 117-131.

"Some undecidable problems for parallel communicating finite automata systems", C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. Information Processing Letters, 77, 5-6 (2001), 239-245.

"Towards Biolinguistics. New developments in formal language theory inspired from biology", A. Kelemenova, J. Kelemen, V. Mitrana. GRAMMARS, 4, 3 (2001), 187-203

"Group weighted finite transducers", M. Ito, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. Acta Informatica, 38 (2001), 117-129.

"On the power of valuations in P systems", C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun. Computacion y Sistemas, 5,2 (2001), 120-128.

"Closure properties of multiset languages", M. Kudlek, V. Mitrana. Fundamenta Informaticae, 49, 1-3 (2001), 191-203.J.

"Operations and language generating devices suggested by the genome evolution", Dassow, V. Mitrana, A. Salomaa. Theoretical Computer Science, 270, 1-2 (2002), 701-738.

"On some operations suggested by gene assembly in ciliates." R. Freund, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. New Generation Computing, 20, 3 (2002), 279-293.

"Parallel finite automata systems communicating by states", C. Martin-Vide, A. Mateescu, V. Mitrana. International Journal of Foundation of Computer Science, 13, 5 (2002), 733-749.

"Grammars with bounded-life resources", C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. Journal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatorics, 7, 4 (2002), 561-570.

"Weighted grammars and automata with threshold interpretation", C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, R. Stiebe. Journal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatorics, 8, 2 (2003), 303-318.

Networks of evolutionary processors: a survey, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana. Theoria, 18 (2003), no.46, 59-70.

Multiple pattern interpretations, M. Kudlek, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: GRAMMARS, 5 (2002), 223-238.

Pictural Networks of Evolutionary Processors, V. Mitrana, K.G. Subramanian, M. Tataram: Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 6 (2003), no.1-2, 189-199.

On the sentence valuation in a semiring. A. Atanasiu, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Information Sciences, 151 (2003), 107-124.

Contexts and the concept of mild context-sensitivity, M. Kudlek, C. Martin-Vide, A. Mateescu, V. Mitrana: Linguistics and Philosophy, 26, 6 (2003), 703-725.

Teams of pushdown automata,M. ter Beek, E. Csuhaj-Varju, V. Mitrana: International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81, 2 (2004), 141-156.

A computational model for cell differentiation, I. Ardelean, M. Gheorghe, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: BioSystems, 76(2004), 1-3, 169-176.

A formal language based approach in biology, M. Gheorghe, V. Mitrana. Comparative and Functional Genomics 5 (2004), 91-94.

On functions and related languages of context-free grammars, J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, G. Paun, R. Stiebe: RAIRO/Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 38 (2004), 257-267.

Superposition Based on Watson-Cricklike complementarity, P. Bottoni, A. Labella, V. Manca, V. Mitrana: Theory of Computing Systems, 39, 4 (2006), 503-524.

Uniformly bounded duplication languages, P. Leupold, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 146, 3 (2005), 301-310.

Marcus external contextual grammars: from one to many dimensions, V. Mitrana: Fundamenta Informaticae, 54, 1-4 (2005), 307-316.

Hybrid NEPs are computationally complete, E. Csuhaj-Varju, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Acta Informatica, 41, 4-5 (2005), 257-272.

Synchronized shuffles, M. ter Beek, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Theoretical Computer Science, 341 (2005), 263-275.

A possible connection between two theories: grammar systems and concurrent programming, M. A. Grando, V. Mitrana: Fundamenta Informatica, 76, 3 (2007), 325-336.

Accepting networks of splicing processors: complexity results, F. Manea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Theoretical Computer Science, 371(2007), 72-82.

Synchronized shuffle on backbones, F. Manea, V. Mitrana, D.C. Voinescu: Fundamenta Informaticae, 73, 1-2 (2006), 191-202.

Returning and non-returning PCFA are equivalent, A. Choundary, K. Krithivasan, V. Mitrana: RAIRO/Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 17, 2(2007) 137-145.

On the size complexity of universal accepting hybrid networks of evolutionary processors, F. Manea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 17, 4(2007) 753-771.

Non-preserving splicing with delay, R. Loos, V. Mitrana: International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 84(2007), 427-436.

Remarks on multiple pattern interpretations, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Information Processing Letters, 101, 5 (2007), 209-214.

Uniformly bounded duplication codes, P. Leupold, V. Mitrana: RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 41, 4(2007) 411-424.

All NP-problems can be solved in polynomial time by accepting hybrid networks of evolutionary processors of constant size, F. Manea, V. Mitrana: Information Processing Letters, 103(2007), 112-118.

Decision problems on path-controlled grammars, C. Martin-Vide, Victor Mitrana: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 18, 6(2007) 1323-1332.

Accepting hybrid networks with filtered connections, C. Drăgoi, F. Manea, V. Mitrana: Journal of Universal Computer Science 13, 11(2007) 1598-1614.

On some algorithmic problems regarding the hairpin completion, F. Manea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Discrete Applied Mathematics 157, 9(2009) 2143-2152

Two complementary operations inspired by the DNA hairpin formation: Completion and reduction, F. Manea, V. Mitrana, T. Yokomori: Theoretical Computer Science 410(2009) 417-425.

On small, reduced, and fast universal accepting networks of splicing processors, R. Loos, F. Manea, V. Mitrana: Theoretical Computer Science 410(2009) 406-416.

A new characterization of NP, P, and PSPACE with accepting networks of evolutionary processors, F. Manea, M. Margenstern, V. Mitrana,M. J. Pérez-Jiménez: Theory of Computing Systems, 46(2010) 174-192.

Accepting networks of non-inserting evolutionary processors, J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: Transactions on Computational Systems Biology, 11(2009) 187-199.

Small universal accepting hybrid networks of evolutionary processors, Remco Loos, Florin Manea, Victor Mitrana: Acta Informatica, 47(2010) 133-146.

Accepting splicing systems. V. Mitrana, I. Petre, V. Rogojin: Theoretical Computer Science, 411(2010) 2414-2422.

Some remarks on the hairpin completion. F. Manea, V. Mitrana: International Journal of Foundation of Computer Science, 21(2010) 859-872.

New bounds for the query complexity of an algorithm that learns DFAs with correction and equivalence queries.V. Mitrana, C. Târnăucă: Acta Informatica, 48(2011) 43-50.

Bounded hairpin completion. M. Ito, P. Leupold, F. Manea, V. Mitrana: Information and Computation, 209(2011) 368-382.

The role of evolutionary operations in accepting networks of evolutionary processors. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, B. Truthe: Information and Computation, 209(2011) 471-485.

Complexity-preserving simulations among three variants of accepting networks of evolutionary processors. P. Bottoni, A. Labella, F. Manea, V. Mitrana, I. Petre, J. M. Sempere: Natural Computing 10(2011) 429-445.

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